The tattvas represent qualities we all experience in our self and nature। They are seasons of change: from earthy solidity that forms a good base, a firm ground for habit, and at the same time resists change; to the etheric quality of formless possibility that lets intention flourish and empowers your words and ideas.
We have been going through these seasons of change as we approach the Aquarian Shift around 11/11/2011 and the first summer solstice of that shift in 2012।
As the air tattva dominates this season of our shift it means we are hit with a whirlwind of ideas inside us and in the world: clashes of ideology, impulsive ideas, intuitive brilliance, and spiritual longing। The old ideas will be challenged. But we do not quite have the full sense of space that allows change to manifest. That comes with the last tattva- the ether. We are poised, energized, impelled, and impaled by arrows of thought that come in legion.
We need above all the neutral mind। We must–before taking any action–drop judgment and bias. We need a healthy skepticism to let our own certainty relax and to invite the rise of new creativity–the gentle nudges of our global kundalini.
我们需要上述所有中性的心意。我们必须 – 在任何行动之前 – 放下一切判断和恐惧。我们需要一个健康质疑态度使我们自己得到确实的放松从而邀请新的创造能力提升 - 全球性的昆达利尼轻柔的移动。
The neutral mind only begins after the fourth chakra। The qualities of this mantra (Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru) tap the power of that neutral mind. Only then can healing happen–as the old battles are released, the old questions redefined. Then we can be fully engaged and present to the miracle of being human together.
中性的心意只是开始于第四个能量中心(心轮)被打开之后。唱颂这个真言 (Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru) 的特质就是开启中性的心意的能量的阀门。只有这样才可能使疗愈发生-如此以来旧的战争被解除,旧的问题被重新定义。然后我们才能够全面性占据并且一起出席这人类的奇迹时刻。
This is not a time for a new leader, a new religion, a new belief, or a new promise। This is a time to awaken, mature, deliver, and live with spirit and courageous kindness.
This is how I understood this time and why we shared this special miracle mantra from Yogi Bhajan। He gave this mantra to my wife, Gurucharan Kaur Khalsa, to experience a personal miracle when all things seemed impossible and conflicted. And she did. We both did. Then he explained its dynamics to me and gave me the experience of its depths. Now people practice this mantra around the world for healing, as a sadhana, for a 40-day practice. One act of kindness and blessing now blesses us all as One and is a legacy we can share.
我是这样来理解现在这个时刻的,以及为什么我们要分享这个来自Yogi Bhajan的教导的、特殊的奇迹冥想。他把这个冥想给了我的妻子Gurucharan Kaur Khalsa,这是一个人在所有的事情看起来已没有任何可能性,充满矛盾和冲突的时候所经验的个人的奇迹。所以她做了这个冥想,我们一起做了这个冥想。接着它就诠释了它带给我的超强度变化,以及深度体验。现在世界各地的人们练习这个冥想来疗愈自己,并且作为早课的练习,进行40天的练习。一个慈悲的行为和祝福现在祝福着我们所有进入合一,这是一个我们可以分享的遗产。
Enjoy this mantra however you can। It has immediate effects, for it taps the timelessness beyond the mind’s tumult and conflict.
Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, PhD
KRI Director of Training for Kundalini Yoga and Meditation