2011年3月29日 星期二

四月份客座老師 -- Jordan



Jordan is an artist, dancer and a yoga teacher. He studied dance while living in the US and performed as a modern dancer. Since moving to Taipei in 2007, Jordan felt in love with yoga and uses it as a way to release stress from work and slowly found himself centering his life around it. At 2009, Jordan decided to quit his fulltime job and began to work as a freelance artist and yoga teacher. His goal is to help student unite inner and outer self, yin and yang, inhaling and exhaling in bringing balance to their mind, body and spirit. Jordan currently share his hatha and yin yoga session at various location in Taipei, his heart oriented, life celebration teaching method is best for little or no experience beginners, out of practice yogi or simply just someone who want to exercise. Jordan is a certified 200 hours RYT .

JORDAN 是位藝術工作者,身兼舞者,服裝設計師和瑜珈老師。旅居美國期間除了設計工作外, 開始對舞蹈肢體產生興趣,也學習芭蕾和現代舞,經常在紐約和台北演出。2007年來台時工作壓力的關係,在偶然機緣下接觸瑜珈,找到了屬於自己喜愛的生活方式。JORDAN希望透過對舞蹈,肢體,藝術生活和瑜珈上的各種經驗來幫助學生在尋找瑜珈的練習中,連接陰與陽,內和外,呼和吸,硬與軟達到身心靈的平衡,來慶祝生命的喜悅。在Hatha和Yin瑜珈的課程裡,從“心”開始的教學,讓學生能達到肌力和柔軟度的平衡,啓發身體的潛能。JORDAN 可以提供雙語教學,美國RYT200小時認證.

Organic Hatha: Flow with your heart
A heart-opening, meditative vinyasa flow class that focus on basic principles of alignment entering each hatha movement with emphasis on balancing strength and flexibility. The class will begin with various mind focusing breathing and relaxation technique in order to prepare the student to be more sensitive and open to their body. It follows by a series of heart-melting forward bending, twisting, balancing and back bending vinyasa sequence that cultivate flow of energy that is uplifting and joyful. The class is suitable for all level students.

流暢瑜珈: 開"心"系列
開"心"哈達瑜珈的最佳課程!! 流暢瑜珈除了注重身體的基本順位外,學生也能體會到如何利用平衡感,肌耐力和柔軟度進入冥想式的流動性瑜珈姿勢,讓每個體位法都能有效的發揮。每個課程的開始將探討如何放鬆,讓身體跟加敏感以提高覺知,然後接著連串性的前彎,扭轉,平衡和後彎,來讓身體達到最高的喜悅。適合所有程度的學生。

2011年4月23日(六)   上午11點~12點15分 (75分鐘)

1 則留言:

J 人 提到...

hello 老師